Types of Grants & Scholarships

The financial aid programs administered by KOSAF are customized for students’ various needs. Together, the programs offer aid to an increasing range of students. Through its grants and scholarship programs, KOSAF strives to establish a system in which any qualified individual has the opportunity to pursue higher education, regardless of financial status.

KOSAF’s grant and scholarship programs are divided into three main categories: need-based, merit-based, and work-based.


Government Grant Type I

Government Grant Type I
PURPOSE OF THE PROGRAM A scholarship designed to provide more benefits to student in need related to income section and family status.
DISTRIBUTION OF AID Specific aid amount of Government Grant Type I depends on the student’s Family status(Marriage status, number of siblings) and Family Income section, which is determined by the Social Security Information System managed by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. There are 10 sections depending on income and assets, and if a family’s income is below a certain poverty level, the family is identified as a “Recipient of Basic Living Security Benefits”. The chart below shows aid amounts according to the income section.

(As of June 2022, Unit KRW 10,000)

Family Income section Aid amount per Year
(Maximum Amount)
Recipient of basic living, The second lower income section 700
Recipient of basic living, The second lower income section
(sibling birth order ≥ 2)
All essential tuition & fee awarded
1 520
2 520
3 520
4 390
5 390
6 390
7 350
8 350
ELIGIBILITY - Undergraduate students enrolled in domestic universities
- Family Income section of 8 or below
- Must meet minimum academic requirements
  · Freshmen : no requirements for the 1st semester
  · Continuing students: completion of minimum 12 credits and grad of 80% or more from the previous semester
FURTHER INFORMATION - Funds may be transferred either to universities and disbursed to students in the form of tuition wavers, or directly to students
- Students may simultaneously receive other types of scholarships, but total amount of aid should not exceed tuition & fees
- Recipients should reapply each semester to maintain eligibility status
- “C” Grade Warning: If a recipient on the income section from 1 to 3 receives a grade below 80 (but above 70), a grant is still given with a warning. The recipient must improve the grade to 80 or above to continue receiving the grant.
- Recipients with disabilities: No academic requirements
- Recipient of basic living or The second lower income section: must maintain the grade to 70 or above
Grants & Scholarships
Types of Grants & Scholarships
Application and Disbursement
Student Loans
Types of Student Loans
Application Process and Repayment
Sharing & Volunteering
Types of Volunteer Programs
Cheong Wa Dae, Office of the President
Government of the Republic of Korea
Ministry of Education
Education, Culture, Sports & Tourism Committee
The National Assembly of the Republic Korea
The National Assembly of the Republic of Korea
Ministry of Strategy and Finance
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