Student Aid Policy Forum


The International Forum on Student Aid Policy, coordinated and hosted by KOSAF, promotes the global exchange of ideas and experiences on financial aid policies for higher education and systems for talent development. Through this exchange, the forum also serves as a platform for partnerships among organizations that provide support for student aid and/or talent development.

Participants from around the world share information on the current status of student aid and talent development systems in their respective countries. Discussions and seminars offer opportunities to engage in comparative analyses of methodologies and practices.

With the leaders from participating organizations and experts in the field, the forum facilitates exchanges of ideas and collaborations among experts and student aid organizations. These relationships have positive effects such as cultivating creative strategies or bringing different countries together effective policies to help the students pursuing postsecondary education.


The 5th International Forum on Student Aid Policy, May 2016
Theme: Improving Repayment and Sustainablility of Student Financial Aid

The Student Aid Policy was organized in Daegu, KOSAF’s new home. Officials from various countries presented current states of student loan systems in respective countries and effort to make them sustainable in a long run.
Download a PDF of the complete program (includes presentations, speakers, and discussions)

The 4th International Forum on Student Aid Policy, May 2015
Theme: Global Forum on Access to Higher Education: Comparison of Student Aid Systems at International Levels

This year, KOSAF’s Student Aid Policy Forum was held as a part of UNESCO’s World Education Forum held in May 2015. Experts and policy makers from Korea, the U.S., Germany, Australia, Sweden, Britain, Japan, Taiwan, and Mongolia presented their countries’ policies on expanding access to higher education and participated in lively discussions.

The 3rd International Forum on Student Aid Policy, November, 2012
Theme: Impact and Changing Patterns of Higher Education Finance: Emerging Issues

The 2nd International Forum on Student Aid Policy, November, 2011
Theme: Comparing Income-Related Student Aid Policy

The 1st International Forum on Student Aid Policy, June, 2010
Theme: Current Situation and Cooperation scheme in International Student Aid

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