International Collaboration

Internationally, KOSAF actively engages in information exchanges and other forms of collaboration with overseas institutions for innovation in aid for higher education. A global network of institutions specializing in aid for post-secondary education is one of KOSAF’s strategies to expand the current system for talent development.

As part of its strategy to establish a system of support for global talent development, KOSAF is working to build a collaborative network of national and foreign institutions—mutually beneficial for strengthening their respective contributions towards student aid and talent development. Through the steady development of strategic overseas partnerships, primarily with student aid organizations in other countries, KOSAF strives to continue expanding this network.

Connect with KOSAF For overseas organizations: to communicate with KOSAF about the possibility of becoming a partnering institution and/or to learn more, please follow the link on the right to the Inquiries page.

KOSAF point of contact: Department of Public Relations

Go to Inquiries
Student Aid Policy Forum
The International Forum on Student Aid Policy advances the global exchange of ideas and experiences about providing effective student aid for higher education and supporting talent development. Through the forum, participating individuals and organizations from around the world join KOSAF in a dialogue about how to continue serving and guiding students to be able to fulfill their hopes for the future.
Student Aid Policy Forum
Working Together
The KorMent Program
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